Add an irresistible layer of digestive support and healthy gut maintenance with this delicious dog food meal topper.
Go! Solutions Booster Chicken + Duck Pâté for Digestive Health is a finely-balanced blend of lean proteins and fibre-rich ingredients combined to provide a delicious boost of protein and prebiotics. Flavourful and rich in digestion-supporting functional ingredients including pumpkin, flaxseed, chicory root and psyllium husk.
Add irresistible flavour and nutritional benefits to your best friend's daily meals with Go! Solutions Booster food toppers. Each single-serve dog food topper recipe is expertly crafted to satisfy your canine's cravings while supporting a specific dietary need.
Offered in a variety of wet recipes, Go! Solutions Booster toppers are an easy, functional, and downright delicious way to add an extra helping of healthy support and mouth watering mix-and-match menu variety.
Features - Easy to use mess-free single serve pouch
- Delicious variety + digestive support for your dog
- Wet format adds flavour and extra hydration
- Free of artificial flavours, colours + preservatives
- Dried chicory root, a good source of inulin, an important prebiotic
- Brown rice, pumpkin and chia seeds, flavourful and healthy natural sources of dietary fibre
- Chicken and duck, excellent sources of essential amino acids
- Marine microalgae oil, source of Omega 3 fatty acids