The Nutram Total T29 grain-free lamb and lentils recipe for small and toy breed dog food is a Holistic, multi-beneficial, and nutrient-rich recipe that improves your pet’s wellness from the inside-out.
Our Holistic approach starts with wholesome ingredients you can pronounce, such as a blend of low-glycemic lentils, peas and chickpeas as a source of healthy carbs and quality protein. This, combined with real lamb, a gentle protein source and quinoa, a small seed with great benefits including complete protein, provides the body with all the tools it needs for strong muscles.
Nutram's Optimum Combinations goes further and offers chicory root, which promotes the growth of natural intestinal bacteria, while pumpkin is rich in fiber, assisting with movement of food through the digestive system.
- Small al dente kibble for small dogs
- A lamb option with no fish added
- Never any potato or tapioca added
- Pumpkin and chicory root for a better digestion
- Lamb and quinoa for muscle strength