Oven-Baked Tradition semi-moist dog food is made with natural ingredients and supplemented with vitamins and minerals for enhanced nutrient bioavailability.
Made with fresh boneless chicken as the first ingredient, it contains natural antioxidants, natural sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for healthy skin and coat, and supplemented with natural sources of glucosamine and chondroitin.
It's the coconut glycerine inside our kibbles that helps prevent them from drying out and maintains their initial consistency. It also gives the kibble a soft, chewy texture. With a high moisture content, aromas and flavors are multiplied, making the dish irresistible to even the fussiest dogs.
- Slowly cooked at low temperature in the oven
- Made in small portions to ensure freshness and quality
- Grain milled on site for freshness
- No artificial flavors or preservatives
- First ingredient is fresh meat
- Contain less air than extruded kibbles