Give your precious puppy wholesome ingredients and 100% complete and balanced nutrition with Purina Pro Plan Puppy Shredded Blend Chicken & Rice Formula dry puppy food.
Real chicken as the first ingredient and rice, a good source of carbohydrates for energy, are part of a formula that provides your little guy with the outstanding nutrition he needs and taste he craves. The highly digestible puppy food formula allows for optimal nutrition delivery contains no artificial colours or flavours to meet your high standards.
Plus, the tempting pieces of hard kibble and tender shreds in this chicken and rice dog food are sized appropriately for his mouth and teeth. DHA from omega-rich fish oil nourishes brain and vision development, and the antioxidant-rich formula supports his developing immune system.
We fortify this puppy food with guaranteed live probiotics for digestive and immune health, while phosphorus, calcium and other minerals build strong teeth and bones to help your puppy grow up big and strong. Specially designed for puppies under one year and with so much packed into every bite, this Purina Pro Plan Brand Dog Food Puppy Shredded Blend Chicken & Rice Formula dry puppy food lets you feel good about the food you serve him, and he is sure to love the flavours in every bite.
Features - Crunchy kibble combined with tender, shredded pieces for delicious taste and texture
- DHA from omega-rich fish oil helps nourish brain and vision development
- Antioxidants support a puppy's developing immune system
- Calcium, phosphorus and other minerals build strong bones and teeth
- High quality protein, including chicken as the first ingredient, builds lean muscles
- Fortified with guaranteed live probiotics for digestive and immune health