Discover a dog food that supports calm behaviour by introducing them to Purina Pro Plan Adult Calm & Balanced Chicken & Rice dry dog food.
This high protein dog food features Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil at optimized levels to promote calm behavior when fed daily for 12 weeks. Brain-supporting nutrients DHA, EPA, antioxidants, and B-vitamins, are also included to support your dog’s cognitive health.
This Purina dry dog food also supplies dogs with high-quality protein, including chicken as its #1 ingredient for strong muscles and gives your dog Glucosamine and EPA to offer joint support for dogs. To keep your dog looking their best, this premium dog food kibble delivers Vitamin A and Omega-6 fatty acids to nourish their skin and coat.
Guaranteed live probiotics offer your dog digestive support, while the antioxidants in this Purina dog food supplies immune support for dogs and help them battle free radicals.
Features - Omega-3 fatty acids at optimized levels help promote calm dog behaviour when fed daily for 12 weeks
- Brain-supporting nutrients DHA, EPA, antioxidants, B Vitamins and arginine boost cognitive health
- Fortified with guaranteed live probiotics for digestive and immune health
- Live probiotics for dogs and a highly digestible formula provide your dog digestive support
- Includes a blend of Omega-6 fatty acids and Vitamin A to nourish skin and coat health