Thymox Multi-Surface All-Natural Disinfectant 946ml
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Thymox Multi-Surface All-Natural Disinfectant 946ml

Product Code: 04110120
Thymox is a ready-to-use, safe, non-toxic and biodegradable disinfectant that is as powerful as quat-based* products without the irritation and hazardous chemicals.

Thymox contains thymol, an active natural ingredient derived from thyme that leaves an herbal scent. It disinfects without harsh and toxic chemicals while keeping your employees, animals and equipment safe.

Use around the stable on stall walls, floors and doors, horse hooves, water bowls, tanks and buckets, bits & tack, tack trays, grooming and stable equipment, boots and shoes, tack rooms, kitchens, trailers, etc. The possibilties are endless!

* Quats (quaternary ammonium compounds) are potent disinfectant chemicals commonly found in disinfectant wipes, sprays and other cleaners that are designed to kill germs.

Sale Price CAD$16.95
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